Friday, December 26, 2014

Merry Christmas Sewing

Hello! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and is enjoying some Merry Christmas long weekend sewing! I got to work on my Gingers yesterday and on Christmas Eve. I have the zip in. But I broke a needle yesterday on my industrial straight stitch and although I found all the pieces my stitches were a mess after that. I'm still working on it. Sheesh! After finally getting my Juki industrial overlock working (it was used and missing a part so it kept breaking thread), now this. One step forward, two steps back. Ha! I hope I didn't mess up the timing somehow by breaking a needle. I don't even know how I'd know? But still, I'm getting to sew, sort of!

Here are two of my Boston Terriers in a very happy Christmas picture from a couple of years ago. I especially like the look on Larry's face (he's on the right)!

Merry Christmas weekend everyone! 



  1. Ugh don't you just hate seems like the sewing machines have a mind of their own. Love the dogs!! You can almost ready Larry's expression...hurry up so I can get out of here and do more useful things like chase cats or take a nap. Happy New Year to you and your family.

    1. Yes they do! It's a good test in patience. :) I do think Larry was leaning forward so he could jump off & get on with his day for sure! Happy New Year to you & your family too!

  2. Oh my gosh, the puppies! They look hilarious!

    1. Hehehe...I think Larry definitely looks tortured!

  3. Your dogs look so cute and yes, the look on the Larry's face is hilarious. I'm looking forward to seeing your completed Gingers, I think I may want to get that pattern
